

A very grand lunch (lunch usually starts around 2 or 3 pm) was prepared for our arrival by our host’s sister’s Spanish husband who was a retired chef. For starters, we had tapas, an authentic Spanish omelette, and bread. The most amazing fresh shrimps and a fantastic assortment of cheeses. We didn’t listen when they said they were just starters and were already full when we found out that for the main meal we’ll have Paella! The first Paella of many for the trip.

Things I love about Madrid

  • Tapas tapas tapas!!!
  • The art and artists at Plaza Mayor, they’re wonderful!!!
  • The Metro!!! It’s fast, efficient and simply amazing…
  • Clara con limon aka Shandy, cerveza plus lemon (try Mahou plus Fanta Lemon)
  • Churros
  • Mercado San Miguel

What I didn’t like

  • The taxi driver who didn’t know the directions (or pretended so he could fool us) cursed at us.
  • Our tour guide in Toledo. She’s not friendly.

Funny thing. On our way back to Madrid from Toledo, I saw something that looked like a castle, and if you’re in Spain you’ll see lots of castles, so I asked my friend what he thinks it was since we both found the tour guide unfriendly. My friend convinced me to ask the tour guide, so I asked, “Senora, what is that? *pointing towards the unknown pile*”, the tour guide answered flatly, “A cement factory.” My friend laughed out loud. Hmph. I bet he knew what it was.