It’s been a while since I last drew something or did anything creative. I’ve wanted to get another tattoo for almost a year now and finally decided on what to get next, and if you guessed jellyfish, then you’re right.
I did the sketch and will get it soon on my shoulders. Why get a jellyfish? I’ll talk about it some other time.
I’ve been feeling pretty good lately because of a lot of things, one of which involves a good friend finally getting a job, meaning she’ll stay in Dubai.
I started running too, and if you get to run with this view and on rubber, it is amazing. Although it involved an almost-horrible-car-accident (is that how you call it), I suppose it’s good that it didn’t happen; nothing really bad happened to me or my car nor did I hit anyone, but it’s a very good reminder to stop driving aggressively. Note to self, change car music playlist.

A lot of changes have been going on and sometimes it kind of scares me that I won’t be able to keep up with them. But somehow I feel inspired to exert more effort on things. Confusing? I know. But I think it’s better to look at things from a general perspective for now. I have so many things on my plate and want to start thinking about 2015 too, but I’ve been procrastinating. So they just keep on piling up.
Last week I got these flowers from someone, I still don’t know who he is and if he does exist, but I’ll be lying if I say that I didn’t love the idea that these came from someone who might like me. Won’t mind getting more flowers too.