Have you hugged your Jeep today?


Two weeks ago I was dropping my friend home after dinner. She lives somewhere Downtown. My phone rang and I tried to answer it while driving until I saw a policeman on a motorcycle. I got scared and dropped my phone. I almost drove through a red light.

Am I the only one who’s scared of the police? Whenever I see one I feel like I did something wrong.

He turned ON his blinding lights, you know, the flashing emergency light they turn ON when something’s wrong? All they have to do is park their patrol cars somewhere and wait for an accident to happen because those lights are annoying and blinding AF.

My friend, who happens to be a girl, kissed me on the cheek to say goodbye saying she can get off from there since the signal is RED, that she’ll simply walk home. The cop, who hasn’t pulled me over, by the way, knocked on my window and ask me to pull it down. I did. He asked, “who is she, is she your sister?”. “No, she’s just a friend”, I said. “Then why did you kiss her?”, was his reply to me. My friend and I laughed. I explained even though it felt silly. He seemed serious. He then drove off. I still don’t understand what happened.

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with the car I drive. Once I was pulled over by the same cop twice in less than two hours for “unloading in zones which aren’t meant for unloading”. I still do not agree. The second time he pulled me over, he gave me a lecture, which is embarrassing even though there were only about three people who can hear him, including me. I gave him my license and once he saw it, he shouted, “ah you think you’re rich you can pay all your fines, you know I can impound your car and you won’t have it for a month right?”. I have no idea how he got that impression by just looking at my license. I apologized and he eventually let me go. He then showed me how to be a responsible driver by speeding off and driving on the pavement.