Writing on the mirror

It Gets Better


The year 2014 started a bit rough for me. The guy I started seeing in January told me that I will never find someone who will treat me better than he did when I broke up with him in early May. It was probably the worst thing that someone has ever said to me. But that wasn’t the worst part of it. The worst part was, that I believed him. All I wanted was to get out of that relationship from the beginning, yet I believed that this person was supposed to be the best thing I could ever have in the world.

Slowly, I started doing things I used to do on my own before I met “the best guy in the world”. I met a lot of good people after that. People that I hold dearly in my heart right now.

Late last year, I met someone. I could still hear the ex telling me that no one will treat me better than he did and that I don’t deserve to be happy. It still felt like I was a lost cause. Eventually, we got together. He’s honest and wise. He’s unpredictable. He has a good heart. Buy, he had to go and it is hard to describe what I’ve been feeling this past week. How is it possible to feel so happy and immensely sad at the same time? Thankfully, I have amazing friends.

One smart girl told me the other day, “it gets better”. And it does.

Marina Keegan said, “I will live for love and the rest will take care of itself.”, so I must go on and keep on loving. It’s all there is to it, right?

Other interesting finds:
Cold Pastoral by Marina Keegan
he Scottish Highlands (video)
I made a cute little baby
U.S.Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States