The Best Things That Happened in 2017

Best Things

Every year I write about the best things that happened that year. This is going to be hard this time around because I used to rely on my posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for it. This year, I barely posted anything online (on purpose), which is all based on my memory. For next year, however, I’ll be prepared. I planned to take old-school journaling seriously through the Daily Stoic journal and a daily planner.

I’m turning 32 in 11 more days, and I’d like you to take this time, with me, to be very grateful to the people who stay true to us and are always there to support us. Today, until the 24th, tell them you love them. I love you.

2017, as much as I thought it sucked, isn’t so bad. My year wasn’t as awesome as I hoped it to be, and I do find solace in writing how it sucks. Somehow it lifts a bit of weight off my shoulders, but doing so also means giving more fucks about it than it deserves.  I’m looking forward to a fantastic 2018, it will be, I’m dead serious about it.

7,721.75 USD /  27,526.48 AED
I did quite a lot of freelance work this year and earned a minimum of 7,721.75 USD. I spent mostly on brunches, online courses (that I haven’t started), movies from the Apple store, and other useless things. Here onwards I will dedicate a good portion of it to my lets-move-to-Canada-fund.

Amusement Parks
I love amusement parks but have said that as I grow older, I love them less and less. I’ve developed a fear of heights and no longer have the YOLO-attitude. Instead of “Fuck it, let’s do it!”, my new mantra is, “Fuck it, I’d rather sleep.” Still, I managed to visit Ferrari World and IMG Worlds of Adventure this year. Two of my best friends in the world (Jen & Ron) visited early this year, and I took them to Abu Dhabi. I’ve been to Ferrari World, back when the Flying Aces weren’t built yet. So it’s kind of cool that I got to ride it, albeit by mistake and they won’t fool me again. We went inside without knowing what ride it was and it was a long walk to get to the end.

Gifted, The Room, Baby Driver
Watched a lot of great movies but Gifted, Tommy Wiseau’s The Room (one of the worst films ever made), and Baby Driver were my favorites this year.

Off-roading and others
Finally joined the JK Fun Club and went off-roading. It was really fun and met a lot of cool people.

I experienced a lot and found out a lot of things about myself and what I care about, can’t say I learned, I’m still processing most of my realizations. I am also more aware of my health now and especially my anxieties and moods. Hopefully, after a year, I can write about how I am able to be more in control of myself.

There goes 2017! I’ll see you again in 2018, which is in a couple of weeks.

What I enjoyed reading this week: