Shoyu Paitan at Marudori

“Kaunta seki”


There’s something about eating by myself that gives me joy. And peace. I love doing things on my own. It’s time like this that makes me feel complete.

This ramen bowl was really delicious. It had the right saltiness and texture. The chicken was grilled and seasoned perfectly. The noodles were perfect.

I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed eating like this. Oftentimes, I eat fast or get caught up too much in a conversation. Sometimes not even talking, just listening and figuring out, how to get out of it.

“Kaunta seki” or counter seating, always, where I can be left alone.

I am still figuring out the world. Figuring out the emotions I am feeling as I try to move on from what I thought was “the one”. Life can be lonely, but there’s joy too in choosing yourself and trying again.