There Will Be No Miracles Here by Nathan Coley

Happy New Year, 2016

Best Things

The new year is around the corner, I wish you all the best this 2016! And remember, you don’t always have to color within the lines. Live your life a bit more dangerously, love yourself more, and don’t forget to pick up a book or two.

A couple of years back, I did the Learning to Love You More project, unfortunately, I didn’t finish it. The assignments were hard, but I’m hoping to redo and finish them this 2016.

I thought I’ll share some of the ones I did before.

  • Assignment 24 Cover the song “Don’t Dream It’s Over” 
    Listen to me try to sing Crowded House’s Don’t Dream It’s Over. Hey, I tried my best okay?
  • Assignment 35 Ask your family to describe what you do.
    Ron said, “A pseudo-OFW-slash-engineer whose real work is everything ‘social internet’. She went overseas not coz of the job but coz she just wants to get away, live her own life, travel, and experience! – that’s what she really does – or so she thinks. More here.
  • Assignment 51 Describe what to do with your body when you die.
    Please bury me somewhere near the sea. Don’t burn my body. Put up a nice tombstone. Write “Só preciso se alguns segundos de paz, só isso.” on it. More here.

I am extremely happy to announce that I’ve raised 2,294.48 AED for Salam Ya Seghar. You guys are awesome! The fundraising campaign will end on the 22nd of January, there’s plenty of time to donate!