Me at Banyan Tree, Al Wadi

Turning 29


I’m turning twenty-nine in three days and here are some of the things I learned or realized…

  1. I can go to the bar alone without feeling awkward. I learned to appreciate the taste of beer and wine but most importantly fell more in love with whiskey.
  2. I learned to say what I really want to say and take things less personally. I think I’ve become more honest too.
  3. I found out the importance of getting enough rest and sleep. Oh, I love sleep.
  4. Humility and respect. Even if you’re right, if you don’t have these two, you won’t go anywhere.
  5. I found out about vouchers, rewards, and coupons. They will save you tons of money.
  6. Save and invest. It doesn’t mean you can’t party.
  7. Everyone’s been through and/or going through something. Be nice.
  8. I learned that I shouldn’t believe everything I read or hear from anyone. Even from authorities.
  9. I realized that I need to read more books. And that books can really change your life.
  10. I should try something new, more.
  11. I found out the importance of running. One should exercise. Cook more instead of eating out or ordering take-out too.
  12. Write. I should write more, about what’s going on and my dreams too. Memory isn’t as good as it was before, so they help.
  13. One must learn how to be debt free.
  14. Let go of one relationship that constantly hurts you.
  15. I learned to stop caring too much.
  16. Still a work in progress, I realized that I should stop buying things I don’t need.
  17. Travel and be in the moment. I stopped using Google Maps all the time. Explore.
  18. I now like to spend hours watching people trying not to judge them. I admire them instead.
  19. I learned that there are people who are just passing by.
  20. Always have plans B, C, and D …
  21. I learned to shut up. I used to talk a lot. When you talk, listen to yourself, it will change the way you talk.
  22. I found who my true friends are.
  23. I found out that the internet is such a cool place and such an amazing tool to meet awesome people.
  24. And study and continue to learn.
  25. Things you used to dislike can be your new favorites.
  26. There’s no point in rushing all the time. But time is very important.
  27. Vegetables are awesome. When I was a kid I was very picky with food and I eat extremely slowly. Somehow my taste palette changed and now I love vegetables.
  28. Walk. Take the stairs whenever you can. Use your body’s energy instead of relying on machines. When you get old, you’ll feel that you can’t do all-nighters anymore. You’d rather sleep in than go out partying.
  29. It’s all about perspective. Life sucks. Life is awesome. It all depends on how you want it to be.