All posts filed under “Best Things

Mission Beach

The Best Things That Happened in 2021

A lot has happened this year, we survived another year of the COVID-19 pandemic and we tried to make the most of living. I’d like to believe that I have been using this time to look inward a lot more and trying to make positive […]

The Best Things That Happened in 2017

Every year I write about the best things that happened that year. This is going to be hard this time around because I used to rely on my posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for it. This year, I barely posted anything online (on purpose), […]

Camping in Dubai

Best Things 2016

Try, fail, repeat.  It’s December, my favorite month! 2016 has been interesting and weird. And as the year closes it’s time to look back and see how far we’ve come and realized 2016 wasn’t so bad (if you look at history and you’re optimistic about […]

Kite Beach

That’s All You Need

Asking me where I’m from, chronic complainers and telling me that this city has no culture and artificial are pet peeves of mine. So when I met Marc this weekend, and he said that he has seen enough of Dubai and didn’t like it, I […]

There Will Be No Miracles Here by Nathan Coley

Happy New Year, 2016

The new year is around the corner, I wish you all the best this 2016! And remember, you don’t always have to color within the lines. Live your life a bit more dangerously, love yourself more, and don’t forget to pick up a book or […]

Sara Al Haddad 'Filling Holes' series

2016 Resolutions

While I have so many things to be thankful for this year, I also cannot wait for it to be over. To be honest, I also want to skip 2016. I hope 2016 becomes the year where I get to fulfill all my wishes and keep […]

15 Best Things 2015

2015 was hard but fun. It was a year of a lot of “firsts”. I’d like to believe I’ve become more mature this year. I’m turning thirty this year after all. In 24 Powerful Ways To Finish The Year Off Right, one of them is, “make a […]