It was raining and driving around the metro I saw people in bikes and motorcycles drenched in water, fighting through the rain. And then at an intersection, a man with one leg approached to ask for money, I didn’t give any. I was thinking, about […]
All posts filed under “Daily”

Strange Habits
That Make My Life Harder Than It Has To Be Inspired by Sheryn, I thought I’ll do the same list she did. So I wanted to evaluate myself and find out where I can improve on. These are my strange habits that make my life harder […]

“Kaunta seki”
There’s something about eating by myself that gives me joy. And peace. I love doing things on my own. It’s time like this that makes me feel complete. This ramen bowl was really delicious. It had the right saltiness and texture. The chicken was grilled […]

Why I Run
Running is my go-to form of exercise. I run because it helps me think more, clearer and better. I run because it takes my mind off things, things I will be fixated on if I wasn’t keeping myself busy. I run because I feel free and […]

Unconventional Sources of Knowledge
I was reading the Oh Comely! Issue Twenty-Five last night and there was one article where the writer was talking about the first music album she bought and how it changed her life. What was that album for you? Music When I was young, these were the albums […]

On secrets, being alone and finding an escape
What we see is just the surface. The internet is not for the faint-hearted. I stopped reading comments on online news and Facebook posts because it drives me nuts. Last week on Quora, I stumbled upon this question, “Why Are There So Many Filipinos in Dubai?”, the […]

Have you hugged your Jeep today?
Two weeks ago I was dropping my friend home after dinner. She lives somewhere Downtown. My phone rang and I tried to answer it while driving until I saw a policeman on a motorcycle. I got scared and dropped my phone. I almost drove through […]

Like a Jellyfish
It’s been a while since I last drew something or did anything creative. I’ve wanted to get another tattoo for almost a year now and finally decided on what to get next, and if you guessed jellyfish, then you’re right. I did the sketch and will […]

I just finished moving to another apartment last weekend. I am exhausted. Still have a lot of tidying and unpacking to do, but I feel good. The thing I like about moving is, that it somehow feels like a new start.