I’m turning thirty in two days and here are some of the things I learned or realised last year. You must try to listen to your body more and give it a break. When people leave, let them go. Don’t forget to listen to your […]
All posts filed under “Self”

Real Loneliness
Loneliness is the insatiable longing to be with someone. I have a lot of things on my mind. And normally I don’t like talking about them so I write. Maybe Noel Gallagher is right, “When you get to a certain age you find that other […]

Spoiler Alert
Everyone has annoying habits that most of the time we don’t notice until someone points it out. Then your illusions shatter. You focus on it. I’m talking about that person next to you chewing loudly, that person who types on their keyboard as if it’s […]

Turning 29
I’m turning twenty-nine in three days and here are some of the things I learned or realized… I can go to the bar alone without feeling awkward. I learned to appreciate the taste of beer and wine but most importantly fell more in love with […]

The Lemonade
Remember Hannah Brencher‘s Stop Sleeping with Liars? Well, I was thinking about it today and how I find myself having plenty of time doing nothing but double (if not triple) booking my appointments. I find myself with tons of activities on my calendar and not doing them all. I’m […]

Morning Pages, Brian Tracy and an Angel
It’s crazy how easy it is to meet new people. What’s crazier is how you feel connected to them even though they’re basically strangers. I met up with a friend who I haven’t seen for almost a year and we talked about books, movies, travelling […]

Be Awesome Instead
Hannah Brencher is my soul sister. She keeps me up and up. And she wrote “Stop Sleeping with Liars” which you should read if you haven’t yet. I’ve listed my favorite parts below, but DO READ THE WHOLE THING. Please– for the love of lovelier things– do […]

Just leave it
I think one of the most important things one must realize and master before they turn 30 is the ability to control oneself. To take over your own feelings. It’s always been like this, remember in One Tree Hill, Peyton used to say, “People always leave”, […]