Today, I announced that I’m taking a break from Mensis Liber. It has been three years, and I’ve given away more than 60 books since I started in 2011. It amazes me because I originally planned on giving away only a book a month, hence the name. […]
All posts tagged “love”

It Gets Better
The year 2014 started a bit rough for me. The guy I started seeing in January told me that I will never find someone who will treat me better than he did when I broke up with him in early May. It was probably the worst […]

Heartache Days
So you went out for drinks and eventually started hanging out. You don’t talk about anything that is about you and him or her which makes the whole thing, easy. It’s less predictable and comfortable. And while you didn’t talk about it, you didn’t go […]

Be Awesome Instead
Hannah Brencher is my soul sister. She keeps me up and up. And she wrote “Stop Sleeping with Liars” which you should read if you haven’t yet. I’ve listed my favorite parts below, but DO READ THE WHOLE THING. Please– for the love of lovelier things– do […]